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4.0 ( 9840 ratings )
Developer: Synchronexus, Inc.

The WMDetect-UT application is a custom application built for the Smart X-Ray Controller hardware accessory (sold separately). The Smart X-Ray controller box is designed to control the XR150, XR200, XRS3, and XRS4 sources manufactured by Golden Engineering. The application allows wireless (or Un-Tethered) control of XRay source through either a master-slave configuration or via bluetooth.
The application will communicate with the hardware accessory to enable the following:
-Control the X-Ray by programmatically turning power to the XRay on and off.
-Set the total pulses to be fired (1-9999), volley size (1-999) of pulses to be fired, and program pause times (1-999 sec) between volleys of pulses
-Dynamically display remaining pulses to be fired, accessory status, accessory battery level, and estimated time remaining for completion of X-Ray firing
Additional Features:
-Three user defined presets for common X-Ray control parameters. Default values of user defined presets automatically loaded on first launch
-Abort X-Ray fire at any time
-Programmable delay before start
- User friendly pop-up instructions when MFi accessory is not attached or detected while app is running